Social Prescribing Day 2023

09 March 2023
Today is Social Prescribing Day. This is an annual celebration of social prescribing, recognising link workers, local community groups and regional and national organisations which support people’s health and wellbeing. This is all aimed towards raising awareness of what social prescribing is, how it works, and how it changes lives.
Social Prescribing looks at the non-medical issues patients may have that is impacting on their wellbeing. Some patients may just require some general advice and signposting, which could be provided in a one-off telephone conversation. Other patients with more complex issues, or those who may have a barrier to accessing support services such as poor mental health, may require a longer intervention from their Link Worker.
Here at Cygnus Support, we work closely with the Wansbeck PCN and have our own team of Social Prescribers. You can read more about who they are and what they do here.
You can also read more about Social Prescribing Day here.