We have been providing mental health and well-being services to people in Northumberland for 40 years now. Support includes counselling, psychotherapy, education and training.
We have come a long way since we were founded in 1984; expanding our services, supporting more people and working in partnership with other organisations. To recognise the progress we’ve made, we changed our name from Women’s Health Advice Centre (WHAC) to Cygnus Support in 2016.
We believe in working with integrity to deliver a valuable service that empowers people in Northumberland to improve and change their lives.

We have a dedicated team of staff and volunteers who are passionate about promoting mental health and wellbeing which enables people to live a good life. To support our team, we have achieved these accreditation's and awards:
Accreditations and Awards
North East Better Health at Work Award:
This award brings together more than 400 regional employers and aims to take health and wellbeing into the workplace. The award was designed to help staff benefit from increased access to health information and interventions where they wouldn't normally; in more than one instance, workplace activity generated by the Award has potentially saved lives.
Following this scheme enabled us to move forward in a structured and supported way and helps us to maintain a happy and healthy workplace. Our team tell us that they feel empowered by the campaigns we run to improve their physical and mental health.
Our achievements in addressing health issues in the workplace has been recognised and as a result, we have achieved the highest level of the award 'Maintaining Excellence'.
You can find more information about the BHaW Award, and get involved yourself, by clicking the button below:
Mindful Employer:
We are a signatory to the Charter for Employers who are Positive About Mental Health and are very proud to publicly commit to working towards better practice and policies in mental health
Matrix Standard:
We have achieved the Matrix Quality Standard for over five years. We use this valuable tool to assure our clients of our commitment to providing excellent advice and support services. The Standard allows us to assess and measure our services and to focus on continually improving what we do.
If you wish to find out more about who we are and what we do here at Cygnus Support, you can send us a message using the button below: